Saturday 31 October 2020

Health insurers are starting to roll back coverage for telehealth – even though demand is way up due to COVID-19

Health insurers are starting to roll back coverage for telehealth – even though demand is way up due to COVID-19: Read more...

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteins Disrupt the Blood-Brain Barrier, Potentially Raising Risk of Neurological Damage in COVID-19 Patients

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteins Disrupt the Blood-Brain Barrier, Potentially Raising Risk of Neurological Damage in COVID-19 Patients: Read more...

Friday 30 October 2020

Positive Outlook Predicts Less Memory Decline: A new study found that people who feel enthusiastic and cheerful—what psychologists call “positive affect”—are less likely to experience memory decline as they age

Positive Outlook Predicts Less Memory Decline: A new study found that people who feel enthusiastic and cheerful—what psychologists call “positive affect”—are less likely to experience memory decline as they age: Read more...

Artificial intelligence model detects asymptomatic Covid-19 infections through cellphone-recorded coughs

Artificial intelligence model detects asymptomatic Covid-19 infections through cellphone-recorded coughs: Read more...

Internal Documents Reveal COVID-19 Hospitalization Data The Government Keeps Hidden

Internal Documents Reveal COVID-19 Hospitalization Data The Government Keeps Hidden: Read more...

New insights into autoimmune disease: According to new research, novel insights into a pathway that restrains the immune response opens up new avenues for treating inflammatory and autoimmune conditions

New insights into autoimmune disease: According to new research, novel insights into a pathway that restrains the immune response opens up new avenues for treating inflammatory and autoimmune conditions: Read more...

Hard physical work significantly increases the risk of dementia: Men in jobs with hard physical work have a higher risk of developing dementia compared to men doing sedentary work, new research reveals

Hard physical work significantly increases the risk of dementia: Men in jobs with hard physical work have a higher risk of developing dementia compared to men doing sedentary work, new research reveals: Read more...

Thursday 29 October 2020

Hospital Bills for Uninsured COVID Patients Are Covered, but No One Tells Them

Hospital Bills for Uninsured COVID Patients Are Covered, but No One Tells Them: Read more...

Media Multitasking Disrupts Memory, Even in Young Adults: Simultaneous TV, texting and Instagram lead to memory-sapping attention lapses

Media Multitasking Disrupts Memory, Even in Young Adults: Simultaneous TV, texting and Instagram lead to memory-sapping attention lapses: Read more...

PTSD Interacts with Klotho Gene, May Cause Premature Aging in the Brain: Genetics and the environment (including psychiatric stress) may contribute to the pace of cellular aging, causing some individuals to have a biological age that exceeds their chronological age

PTSD Interacts with Klotho Gene, May Cause Premature Aging in the Brain: Genetics and the environment (including psychiatric stress) may contribute to the pace of cellular aging, causing some individuals to have a biological age that exceeds their chronological age: Read more...

Kid Influencers Are Promoting Junk Food Brands on YouTube—Garnering More Than a Billion Views: Little-known but common form of product placement boosts children’s exposure to unhealthy food, warrants stronger regulations

Kid Influencers Are Promoting Junk Food Brands on YouTube—Garnering More Than a Billion Views: Little-known but common form of product placement boosts children’s exposure to unhealthy food, warrants stronger regulations: Read more...

Study finds over 80 percent of COVID-19 patients have vitamin D deficiency - Vitamin D deficiency was more prevalent in men

Study finds over 80 percent of COVID-19 patients have vitamin D deficiency - Vitamin D deficiency was more prevalent in men: Read more...

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Testing sewage can provide an early warning of COVID-19 outbreaks, detecting community spread 3 to 5 days before hospital admissions rise.

Testing sewage can provide an early warning of COVID-19 outbreaks, detecting community spread 3 to 5 days before hospital admissions rise.: Read more...

Artificial intelligence-based algorithm for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s: Machine-learning algorithm detects early stages of Alzheimer’s through functional magnetic resonance imaging

Artificial intelligence-based algorithm for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s: Machine-learning algorithm detects early stages of Alzheimer’s through functional magnetic resonance imaging: Read more...

Motor neuroprosthesis implanted with neurointerventional surgery improves capacity for activities of daily living tasks in severe paralysis: first in-human experience. Brain-computer interface allows patients with severe paralysis to text, email, bank.

Motor neuroprosthesis implanted with neurointerventional surgery improves capacity for activities of daily living tasks in severe paralysis: first in-human experience. Brain-computer interface allows patients with severe paralysis to text, email, bank.: Read more...

Tuesday 27 October 2020

US task force proposes starting colorectal cancer screening at age 45

US task force proposes starting colorectal cancer screening at age 45: Read more...

Stigma Impacts Psychological, Physical Health of Multiracial People: Policy changes can help to fight stigmas of multiracial Americans, one of the fasting growing minority groups in the United States according to a new study

Stigma Impacts Psychological, Physical Health of Multiracial People: Policy changes can help to fight stigmas of multiracial Americans, one of the fasting growing minority groups in the United States according to a new study: Read more...

One egg a day?

One egg a day?:

Artificially Sweetened Drinks May Not Be Heart Healthier Than Sugary Drinks: Research shows high consumption of both types of beverages associated with higher risk of heart disease

Artificially Sweetened Drinks May Not Be Heart Healthier Than Sugary Drinks: Research shows high consumption of both types of beverages associated with higher risk of heart disease: Read more...

Monday 26 October 2020

Victoria, Australia steeply declines to 0 new cases for two days after peak of 721 in July

Victoria, Australia steeply declines to 0 new cases for two days after peak of 721 in July: Read more...

They Work In Several Nursing Homes To Eke Out A Living, And That Spreads The Virus

They Work In Several Nursing Homes To Eke Out A Living, And That Spreads The Virus: Read more...

Researchers show why heat stress damages sperm: Biologists have used a model organism to identify molecular mechanisms that produce DNA damage in sperm and contribute to male infertility following exposure to heat

Researchers show why heat stress damages sperm: Biologists have used a model organism to identify molecular mechanisms that produce DNA damage in sperm and contribute to male infertility following exposure to heat: Read more...

Performing acts of kindness and helping other people can be good for people’s health and well-being, according to research. But not all good-hearted behavior is equally beneficial to the giver. The strength of the link depends on many factors

Performing acts of kindness and helping other people can be good for people’s health and well-being, according to research. But not all good-hearted behavior is equally beneficial to the giver. The strength of the link depends on many factors: Read more...

Sunday 25 October 2020

Scholars link obesity and disease to dramatic dietary changes: The “mismatch hypothesis” argues that each of our bodies has evolved and adapted to digest the foods that our ancestors ate, and that human bodies will struggle and largely fail to metabolize a radically new set of foods

Scholars link obesity and disease to dramatic dietary changes: The “mismatch hypothesis” argues that each of our bodies has evolved and adapted to digest the foods that our ancestors ate, and that human bodies will struggle and largely fail to metabolize a radically new set of foods: Read more...

Saturday 24 October 2020

National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week: Get the Facts -€“ and Get Your Home and Child Tested | CDC Online Newsroom

National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week: Get the Facts -€“ and Get Your Home and Child Tested | CDC Online Newsroom: Read more...

Happiness and the evolution of brain size: Serotonin can act as a growth factor for the stem cells in the fetal human brain that determine brain size

Happiness and the evolution of brain size: Serotonin can act as a growth factor for the stem cells in the fetal human brain that determine brain size: Read more...

34% of older adults in the U.S. are prescribed potentially inappropriate drugs, raising health care costs by hundreds: Research finds these patients are prescribed twice as many drugs, and nearly twice as likely to be hospitalized or visit the emergency room

34% of older adults in the U.S. are prescribed potentially inappropriate drugs, raising health care costs by hundreds: Research finds these patients are prescribed twice as many drugs, and nearly twice as likely to be hospitalized or visit the emergency room: Read more...

Friday 23 October 2020

Inability to Recognize Sarcasm Could Signal Frontotemporal Dementia - Symptoms - Alzheimer's

Inability to Recognize Sarcasm Could Signal Frontotemporal Dementia - Symptoms - Alzheimer's: Read more...

COVID-19 Lockdown Reduced Mental Health, Sleep, Exercise: A first-of-its-kind global survey shows the initial phase of the COVID-19 lockdown dramatically altered our personal habits, largely for the worse

COVID-19 Lockdown Reduced Mental Health, Sleep, Exercise: A first-of-its-kind global survey shows the initial phase of the COVID-19 lockdown dramatically altered our personal habits, largely for the worse: Read more...

Key details about broadly neutralizing antibodies provide insights for universal flu vaccine: The research is inspired by the limited efficacy of the annual flu vaccine, which must be adjusted each year to provide the best protection against commonly circulating strains of the virus

Key details about broadly neutralizing antibodies provide insights for universal flu vaccine: The research is inspired by the limited efficacy of the annual flu vaccine, which must be adjusted each year to provide the best protection against commonly circulating strains of the virus: Read more...

New Theory Sheds Light on How the Environment Influences Human Health: A newly proposed component — the biodynamic interface — may better explain how humans interact with their environment

New Theory Sheds Light on How the Environment Influences Human Health: A newly proposed component — the biodynamic interface — may better explain how humans interact with their environment: Read more...

Receive a free COVID-19 antibody test by donating blood at any Red Cross

Receive a free COVID-19 antibody test by donating blood at any Red Cross: Read more...

The Lancet Regional Health: Potential lessons from the Taiwan and New Zealand health responses to the COVID-19 pandemic

The Lancet Regional Health: Potential lessons from the Taiwan and New Zealand health responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: Read more...

Preventive drugs halve malaria cases in African schoolchildren

Preventive drugs halve malaria cases in African schoolchildren:

Thursday 22 October 2020

Preventing lead poisoning at the source: Case Western Reserve University researchers examine implications for lead-safe housing in Cleveland through lens of rental properties and their landlords.

Preventing lead poisoning at the source: Case Western Reserve University researchers examine implications for lead-safe housing in Cleveland through lens of rental properties and their landlords.: Read more...

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Plastic baby bottles shed millions of microplastics when shaken

Plastic baby bottles shed millions of microplastics when shaken: Read more...

Mandatory vaccinations required in only half of all countries

Mandatory vaccinations required in only half of all countries: Read more...

OxyContin maker to plead guilty to federal criminal charges, pay $8 billion, and will close the company

OxyContin maker to plead guilty to federal criminal charges, pay $8 billion, and will close the company: Read more...

'Silent' mutations gave the coronavirus an evolutionary edge: RNA folding may help explain how the coronavirus became so hard to stop after it spilled over from wildlife to humans

'Silent' mutations gave the coronavirus an evolutionary edge: RNA folding may help explain how the coronavirus became so hard to stop after it spilled over from wildlife to humans: Read more...

How obesity could create problems for a COVID vaccine: Researchers fear that vaccines might not be as effective in people who are obese, a population already highly vulnerable to COVID-19

How obesity could create problems for a COVID vaccine: Researchers fear that vaccines might not be as effective in people who are obese, a population already highly vulnerable to COVID-19: Read more...

Tuesday 20 October 2020

Targeted delivery of anti-inflammatory therapy shows promise in slowing progression of multiple sclerosis: Study shows using intranasal delivery method may reduce inflammation in the brain

Targeted delivery of anti-inflammatory therapy shows promise in slowing progression of multiple sclerosis: Study shows using intranasal delivery method may reduce inflammation in the brain: Read more...

Cannabis reduces OCD symptoms by half in the short-term: People with obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, report that the severity of their symptoms was reduced by about half within four hours of smoking cannabis, according to a recent study

Cannabis reduces OCD symptoms by half in the short-term: People with obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, report that the severity of their symptoms was reduced by about half within four hours of smoking cannabis, according to a recent study: Read more...

Some much needed COVID comedy news

Some much needed COVID comedy news:

Conjoined twins return home after successful separation

Conjoined twins return home after successful separation:

Covid 19 can last on skin up to 9 hours according to a new study out of Japan, but it can be inactivated in 15 seconds with ethanol based hand sanitizer...

Covid 19 can last on skin up to 9 hours according to a new study out of Japan, but it can be inactivated in 15 seconds with ethanol based hand sanitizer...: Read more...

Drinking tea is one of the best things one can do every day. It has several health benefits, which involve oral health. Tea compounds decrease the risk of cavities, gum disease, bad breath, cancer, and others. Amazing little treasure of nature. Stay safe

Drinking tea is one of the best things one can do every day. It has several health benefits, which involve oral health. Tea compounds decrease the risk of cavities, gum disease, bad breath, cancer, and others. Amazing little treasure of nature. Stay safe: Read more...

Monday 19 October 2020

Dentists could raise fees, exit family practices as pandemic keeps patients away

Dentists could raise fees, exit family practices as pandemic keeps patients away: Read more...

Young adults face higher risk of severe disease from infections than school-age children: New research suggests children aged 5-14 years are most resilient to infectious diseases, and immune aging may start in young adults, with implications for drug and vaccine design

Young adults face higher risk of severe disease from infections than school-age children: New research suggests children aged 5-14 years are most resilient to infectious diseases, and immune aging may start in young adults, with implications for drug and vaccine design: Read more...

Sunday 18 October 2020

Virus-mimicking drug helps immune system target cunning cancer cells: Researchers have found that a drug that activates the body's natural defenses by behaving like a virus may also make certain stealthy melanoma tumors visible to the immune system

Virus-mimicking drug helps immune system target cunning cancer cells: Researchers have found that a drug that activates the body's natural defenses by behaving like a virus may also make certain stealthy melanoma tumors visible to the immune system: Read more...

Infectious Disease Expert: The ‘Darkest Of The Entire Pandemic’ Has Yet To Come

Infectious Disease Expert: The ‘Darkest Of The Entire Pandemic’ Has Yet To Come: Read more...