Thursday 31 October 2019

Measles Wipes Your Immune System’s ‘Memory,’ So It Can’t Fight Other Infections

Measles Wipes Your Immune System’s ‘Memory,’ So It Can’t Fight Other Infections: Read more...

"Smoker's Face," a condition where smokers look older than they are, is just one of many negative effects caused by heavy tobacco usage, finds a new study in PLOS Genetics, with a new finding of more rapid facial aging, based on an analysis across 18,000 traits in the UK Biobank.

"Smoker's Face," a condition where smokers look older than they are, is just one of many negative effects caused by heavy tobacco usage, finds a new study in PLOS Genetics, with a new finding of more rapid facial aging, based on an analysis across 18,000 traits in the UK Biobank.: Read more...

U.S. vaping-related deaths rise to 37, cases of illness to 1,888

U.S. vaping-related deaths rise to 37, cases of illness to 1,888: Read more...

Long-awaited cystic fibrosis drug could turn deadly disease into a manageable condition

Long-awaited cystic fibrosis drug could turn deadly disease into a manageable condition: Read more...

Saunas and Longevity

Saunas and Longevity:

The Wrong Goodbye: A wrenching decision to end life support, & the unthinkable mistake that devastated not 1 but 2 families. Instances of people arriving under one name only to be discovered to be someone else are actually far from uncommon.

The Wrong Goodbye: A wrenching decision to end life support, & the unthinkable mistake that devastated not 1 but 2 families. Instances of people arriving under one name only to be discovered to be someone else are actually far from uncommon.: Read more...

This Man Hid A Balloon Full of Weed in His Nose - It Got Stuck Unnoticed for 18 Yrs Before Finally Removed

This Man Hid A Balloon Full of Weed in His Nose - It Got Stuck Unnoticed for 18 Yrs Before Finally Removed: Read more...

Congress, Wary of Tainted Chinese Drugs, Is Baffled by Lack of Oversight - Following major recalls of Chinese-manufactured medication that contained carcinogenic ingredients, lawmakers express alarm & disbelief at the FDA's inability to regulate foreign suppliers

Congress, Wary of Tainted Chinese Drugs, Is Baffled by Lack of Oversight - Following major recalls of Chinese-manufactured medication that contained carcinogenic ingredients, lawmakers express alarm & disbelief at the FDA's inability to regulate foreign suppliers: Read more...

To survive in the human gut, bacteria need genetic “passcode” - specialized genes that vary from person to person. This may mean that improving one's microbiome needs to be personalized.

To survive in the human gut, bacteria need genetic “passcode” - specialized genes that vary from person to person. This may mean that improving one's microbiome needs to be personalized.: Read more...

Did a Drug Company Illegally Experiment on a Louisiana Prisoner? - BioCorRx implanted an anti-opioid treatment in an incarcerated person earlier this year. But the procedure hadn’t been approved by the FDA.

Did a Drug Company Illegally Experiment on a Louisiana Prisoner? - BioCorRx implanted an anti-opioid treatment in an incarcerated person earlier this year. But the procedure hadn’t been approved by the FDA.: Read more...

Tylenol, or acetaminophen, in pregnancy linked to higher risk of ADHD and autism, finds a new study in JAMA Psychiatry (n=996). The odds of these developmental disorders were more than twice as high in children exposed to acetaminophen near the time of birth.

Tylenol, or acetaminophen, in pregnancy linked to higher risk of ADHD and autism, finds a new study in JAMA Psychiatry (n=996). The odds of these developmental disorders were more than twice as high in children exposed to acetaminophen near the time of birth.: Read more...

Experimental cancer drug that targets gene mutation can shrink tumours, reports new study in Nature. Eight out of 10 mice became cancer free with a high dose. Four people with non-small-cell lung carcinoma also received the drug. One person had their tumour shrink by 34$%, and the other by 67%.

Experimental cancer drug that targets gene mutation can shrink tumours, reports new study in Nature. Eight out of 10 mice became cancer free with a high dose. Four people with non-small-cell lung carcinoma also received the drug. One person had their tumour shrink by 34$%, and the other by 67%.: Read more...

Wednesday 30 October 2019

A fecal transplant led to a patient's death. Here's what happened.

A fecal transplant led to a patient's death. Here's what happened.: Read more...

In the long run, drugs and talk therapy hold same value for people with depression, suggests new study. For people newly diagnosed with depression, the costs and benefits of antidepressants and CBT end up being equal after five years, suggesting there should be more access to CBT as first treatment.

In the long run, drugs and talk therapy hold same value for people with depression, suggests new study. For people newly diagnosed with depression, the costs and benefits of antidepressants and CBT end up being equal after five years, suggesting there should be more access to CBT as first treatment.: Read more...

Swearing can help you have a better workout, researchers say

Swearing can help you have a better workout, researchers say: Read more...

Here’s why you should never use decorative contact lenses—in graphic pictures: Over-the-counter contact lenses are illegal and dangerous.

Here’s why you should never use decorative contact lenses—in graphic pictures: Over-the-counter contact lenses are illegal and dangerous.: Read more...

Contrary to expectations, the frequency of cannabis use disorder (cannabis abuse/dependence) among people reporting daily/almost daily use decreased significantly between 2002-2016 (n=22,651), with 33 states legalizing medical use and 10 states recreational use playing a role in reducing stigma.

Contrary to expectations, the frequency of cannabis use disorder (cannabis abuse/dependence) among people reporting daily/almost daily use decreased significantly between 2002-2016 (n=22,651), with 33 states legalizing medical use and 10 states recreational use playing a role in reducing stigma.: Read more...

How Can We Protect Alien Life From Us—and Us From It?

How Can We Protect Alien Life From Us—and Us From It?: Read more...

A Trial For Kids At Risk Of Type 1 Diabetes Was Scaled Back, Leaving Families In Limbo - There are concerns about losing the network of physicians & patient families developed over the years. "The changes are going to limit our ability to screen people as freely as we did in the past."

A Trial For Kids At Risk Of Type 1 Diabetes Was Scaled Back, Leaving Families In Limbo - There are concerns about losing the network of physicians & patient families developed over the years. "The changes are going to limit our ability to screen people as freely as we did in the past.": Read more...

Girl with Rare 'Sleeping Beauty' Syndrome Dozes for Months - A rare syndrome leaves a teenage girl bedridden from excessive sleepiness.

Girl with Rare 'Sleeping Beauty' Syndrome Dozes for Months - A rare syndrome leaves a teenage girl bedridden from excessive sleepiness.: Read more...

Deaths linked to vaping often involved THC products, not nicotine, CDC says

Deaths linked to vaping often involved THC products, not nicotine, CDC says: Read more...

This Newly Discovered Virus Replicates in a Completely Unknown Way

This Newly Discovered Virus Replicates in a Completely Unknown Way: Read more...

These Are the Industries Where Staff Are Most Likely to Smoke Weed - Researchers looked at data on over 200,000 adults from the U.S. National Survey on Drug Use & Health.

These Are the Industries Where Staff Are Most Likely to Smoke Weed - Researchers looked at data on over 200,000 adults from the U.S. National Survey on Drug Use & Health.: Read more...

Is Xanax Safe? Mylan Pharmaceuticals Recalls Alprazolam Tablets Over 'Contamination Concerns'

Is Xanax Safe? Mylan Pharmaceuticals Recalls Alprazolam Tablets Over 'Contamination Concerns': Read more...

One avocado a day helps lower 'bad' cholesterol for heart healthy benefits, suggests new randomized controlled study, which found that eating an avocado a day was associated with lower levels of LDL and oxidized LDL, and higher levels of lutein, an antioxidant, in adults with overweight or obesity.

One avocado a day helps lower 'bad' cholesterol for heart healthy benefits, suggests new randomized controlled study, which found that eating an avocado a day was associated with lower levels of LDL and oxidized LDL, and higher levels of lutein, an antioxidant, in adults with overweight or obesity.: Read more...

Hormonal contraceptives affect the efficacy of anxiety therapy, suggests new study involving arachnophobia, which found that women who were on the pill benefitted less from exposure therapy than women not on it, suggesting it may affect central learning and memory processes in exposure therapy.

Hormonal contraceptives affect the efficacy of anxiety therapy, suggests new study involving arachnophobia, which found that women who were on the pill benefitted less from exposure therapy than women not on it, suggesting it may affect central learning and memory processes in exposure therapy.: Read more...

Tuesday 29 October 2019

An avocado a day could lower 'bad' cholesterol levels, study suggests

An avocado a day could lower 'bad' cholesterol levels, study suggests: Read more...

Is A Diet That's Healthy For Us Also Better For The Planet? Most Of The Time, Yes

Is A Diet That's Healthy For Us Also Better For The Planet? Most Of The Time, Yes: Read more...

'Game changing' tuberculosis vaccine a step closer

'Game changing' tuberculosis vaccine a step closer:

Brains of regular tea drinkers are more well-organized and efficient, study says: « Studies have shown tea boosts creativity and keeps your memory strong. Tea has even been shown to prevent heart disease, lower the incidence of cancer and reduce overall mortality. »

Brains of regular tea drinkers are more well-organized and efficient, study says: « Studies have shown tea boosts creativity and keeps your memory strong. Tea has even been shown to prevent heart disease, lower the incidence of cancer and reduce overall mortality. »: Read more...

Farmworkers Face Daunting Health Risks In California’s Wildfires

Farmworkers Face Daunting Health Risks In California’s Wildfires:

Teen girls on birth control pills more likely to report increased crying, hypersomnia, and eating problems, compared with their nonusing counterparts, suggests a new study in JAMA Psychiatry (n=1,010).

Teen girls on birth control pills more likely to report increased crying, hypersomnia, and eating problems, compared with their nonusing counterparts, suggests a new study in JAMA Psychiatry (n=1,010).: Read more...

Monday 28 October 2019

67-Year-Old Grandmother Gives Birth to Baby Girl in East China

67-Year-Old Grandmother Gives Birth to Baby Girl in East China: Read more...

The dark side of tattoos and your health

The dark side of tattoos and your health:

Scientists Program CRISPR to Fight Viruses in Human Cells

Scientists Program CRISPR to Fight Viruses in Human Cells: Read more...

Panic in Pakistani City After 900 Children Test Positive for H.I.V.

Panic in Pakistani City After 900 Children Test Positive for H.I.V.: Read more...

Poor sleep can negatively affect your gut microbiome, suggests new study. The strong gut-brain bidirectional communication may explain why not getting proper sleep can lead to short term (stress, psychosocial issues) and long-term (cardiovascular disease, cancer) health problems.

Poor sleep can negatively affect your gut microbiome, suggests new study. The strong gut-brain bidirectional communication may explain why not getting proper sleep can lead to short term (stress, psychosocial issues) and long-term (cardiovascular disease, cancer) health problems.: Read more...

Iowa Public Health Officials Tackle Vaping Health Concerns

Iowa Public Health Officials Tackle Vaping Health Concerns:

What makes soda so addictive?

What makes soda so addictive?:

Technology Brings The Doctor To The School

Technology Brings The Doctor To The School:

Three doctors face medical discipline for vaccine exemptions, and more could be on the way

Three doctors face medical discipline for vaccine exemptions, and more could be on the way: Read more...

We eat more when we’re with friends and family than alone, and are more likely to moderate the way we eat with people we don’t know, suggests new research. It may be due to the way our ancestors ate and shared food. Meal sizes were between 29% and 48% larger when eating with friends than when alone.

We eat more when we’re with friends and family than alone, and are more likely to moderate the way we eat with people we don’t know, suggests new research. It may be due to the way our ancestors ate and shared food. Meal sizes were between 29% and 48% larger when eating with friends than when alone.: Read more...

A health care algorithm offered less care to black patients

A health care algorithm offered less care to black patients: Read more...

Weaponized cells seek and destroy HIV lurking in the body, which could allow people infected with HIV to set aside their medications. Scientists used CAR-T cells — immune cells that are engineered to home in on and destroy specific targets such as cancer cells.

Weaponized cells seek and destroy HIV lurking in the body, which could allow people infected with HIV to set aside their medications. Scientists used CAR-T cells — immune cells that are engineered to home in on and destroy specific targets such as cancer cells.: Read more...

Post-term pregnancy research cancelled after six babies die - Swedish researchers say proceeding with induction trial would have been unethical

Post-term pregnancy research cancelled after six babies die - Swedish researchers say proceeding with induction trial would have been unethical: Read more...

Health bosses have expressed "serious concerns" over the possible re-accreditation of the UK's largest group of registered homeopaths. In a letter, they said it gives "a false impression" to the public that their treatments are "clinically and scientifically established".

Health bosses have expressed "serious concerns" over the possible re-accreditation of the UK's largest group of registered homeopaths. In a letter, they said it gives "a false impression" to the public that their treatments are "clinically and scientifically established".: Read more...

New federal rules allow U.S. employers to '401(k)-ize' workers' health benefits

New federal rules allow U.S. employers to '401(k)-ize' workers' health benefits: Read more...

Teens who vape candy- or fruit-flavored e-cigarettes are more likely to stick with the habit and vape more heavily, implicating flavors in the teen vaping epidemic, finds a new study (n=478). The longer and more frequently you vape, the more you’re exposing yourself to toxins in e-cigarette aerosol.

Teens who vape candy- or fruit-flavored e-cigarettes are more likely to stick with the habit and vape more heavily, implicating flavors in the teen vaping epidemic, finds a new study (n=478). The longer and more frequently you vape, the more you’re exposing yourself to toxins in e-cigarette aerosol.: Read more...

Sunday 27 October 2019

Research shows that improper hydration throughout life associates with development of many age-related degenerative diseases such as dementia, heart failure, chronic lung disease …

Research shows that improper hydration throughout life associates with development of many age-related degenerative diseases such as dementia, heart failure, chronic lung disease …: Read more...

